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Friday, April 7, 2023

Narok East environmental conservation. Suswa Duka Moja

  Ewang'an Dominion chapel.

Greening africa Founder; Lawrence Konko attended church service at Ewang'an Dominion Chapel Duka Moja, having in mind his initiative to make narok East Green.

A Sunday school kid planting a tree at Ewang'an Dominion Chapel Duka Moja.

They went ahead to plant and donate over 1000 tree seedlings within the church, every member of the community who were around took home at least 5 seedlings.

Members of Duka Moja community planting trees at Ewang'an Dominion Chapel Duka Moja.

Greening Africa plans to make Narok East Green and sustainable through environmental education and planting of trees throughout Narok East, they plan to plant trees in schools, health centres, churches and donating trees to the general community.

Happy members of Duka Moja community after receiving tree seedlings donated to them by Greening Africa to go and plant at home.

Greening africa later joined Hon karbuali, a Chief Officer at Narok County Government in his farm and planted a number of fruit trees. 

Hon Karbuali at his home after planting a tree.

In his speech at the church, Lawrence konko stated that,"God commissioned us to rule over the creation in a way that sustains,protects and enhances His works so that all creation may fulfill  the purposes God intended for."

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