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Friday, April 28, 2023

Congratulations Hassan Motonka.


Hassan Motonka 

After a successful monitoring exercise on the Growth of trees donated to the community by Greening Africa, we are happy and proud after finding out that 90% of the members of the community are protecting their tree seedling, 

Tree seedlings at Hassan Motonka Land

Naretmuj Environmental conservation and Greening Africa has no option but to congratulate one Hassan Motonka for protecting 100% of the tree seedlings donated to him, Congratulations Hassan Motonka.

Well protected tree seedlings by Hassan Motonka 

The organisation also thanks the monitoring team for supporting Greening Africa plans to make Narok East Green, sustainable through environmental education and planting of trees throughout Narok East and their plan to plant trees in schools, health centres, churches and donating trees to the general community.

Well protected tree seedling donated by Greening Africa to a member of the community 

The team noticed that most members of the community have Goats which feed on leaves, the 10% tree seedlings that didn't survive were as a result of Goats feeding on them, Naretmuj Environmental Conservation Group and Greening africa is requesting all members of the community to control their goat's not to feed on tree seedlings.

Tree seedlings donated at ildamat ward, Narok East.

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