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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Narok East environmental conservation, Enooseyia.

Enooseyia, Narok East Environmental Conservation.

Members of Enooseyia community picking Tree seedlings donated by Greening Africa.

Greening africa in partnership with Narok albinism association and Naretmuj Environmental Conservation Group plans to make Narok East Green through environmental education and planting of trees throughout Narok East, they plan to plant trees in schools, health centres, churches and donating some of the trees to members of the community.

Lawrence Konko, environmentalists of the year, Ildamat ward, is aided by a teacher and a student as they plant a tree at enooseyia secondary school.

The tour started officially at enooseyia secondary school,Ildamat ward, spearheaded by the MCA Ildamat ward, hon Elijah Kutinkala, ken nkowua( the director Greening Africa), Lawrence konko,( founder, Greening movement and environmentalists of the year Ildamat ward), Pastors and members of the community,

Ildamat ward MCA,  Hon Elijah Kutinkala addressing Students and members of Enooseyia community.

Ken Nkowua, the director Greening Africa, after planting a tree.

The organisation will be performing another exercise on 24th may 2023 at ntulele, Ntulele dam, where they will be planting trees, do some cleanup and talks on environmental conservation.

Happy members of Enooseyia community taking home tree seedlings donated by Greening Africa 


  1. Environmental conservation is key,plant trees this rainy season.keep it up Greening Africa and partners.

  2. good work environmentalists Lawrence konko and Ken really deserve the Nobel prize.continue making Kenya green.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good job ,plant trees save life.

  5. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. Congratulations Lawrence Konko for the great job you're doing..

  6. Am the director of green green kenya initiative, this is noble work aim changing lives and you can achieve your goals.

  7. Congratulations Mr. Lawrence. Trees saves lives. Keep up the good work.

  8. good work done the young generation is headed somewhere with light

  9. Grear work . Keep it up
