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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Ildamat ward Environmentalist of the year 2022

 Environmentalist of the year 2022 Ildamat Ward.

Naretmuj Environmental Conservation Group, recognises Lawrence Konko as the environmentalists of the year 2022, Ildamat ward, Narok East.

Lawrence Konko 

The 24 year old machakos university graduate couldn't resist his passion on environmental conservation within Narok county, and has since after completing his bachelor of science, (Political science and community resource management) participated in several environmental conservation activities.

Lawrence,  machakos university.

Being the GREEN MOVEMENT ORGANIZATION Chief Executive Officer, he is privileged to be working for Afya Africa and with Echo Africa as the youth researcher, and has, through the organisations worked to conserve and protect the environment with several youth groups.

Lawrence donating and planting trees 

Tending to look into the world issues with sustainable development and environmental troubles as the burning issue, he is aiming to empower youths within  Narok county in Kenya through taking practical environmental action like; 

  • Fighting against deforestation, 
  • Planting trees,
  • Garbage collection and cleaning, 

he also helps small and medium sized businesses as well as the general people in making choices concerning the environment.

Tree planting 

Lawrence at a tree seedlings nursery

Concidering his love for the environment, he has spearheaded the planting of over 10,000 tree seedlings all over the county, the areas covered include;

  • Narok River bank,
  • Eor-ekule primary school, 
  • Eor-ekule secondary school,
  • Ntulele secondary school, 
  • Ololpironito primary school, 
  • Saleita secondary school, 
  • Saleita primary school, 
  • Eor-ekule churches, 
  • Eor-ekule community, 
  • Kutenoi village,
  • Masai Mara university.

Tree planting along Narok River.

Tree planting 

He has also organised talks and trainings on environmental conservation at;

  • Eor-ekule primary school
  • Eor-ekule community
  • Eor-ekule secondary school
  • Senchura secondary school
  • Saleita secondary school
  • Ntulele secondary school

Training and Talks at Christian Outreach Church Eor-ekule before donating trees

Him having all the above achievements, Naretmuj Environmental Conservation Group couldn't resist recognising Lawrence Konko as the environmentalists of the year 2022 Ildamat Ward.


  1. Nice work @bro Lawrence konko

  2. Congratulations are in order lawrence

  3. Congratulations bro Lawrence you deserve the crown

  4. Go go Mr ,Green ,nature will reward you big some day 🙏

  5. This is awesome Lawrence. Keep up the good work. Together we green Africa, together we save mother nature.
