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Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Importance of  Trees;

  • provide oxygen and purify the air,
  • lower the air temperature,
  • help prevent flooding,
  • help sustain wildlife,
  • are good for our health,
  • improve soil quality,

Tree planting along Enkare Ng'usur River, Narok East,Ildamat ward.

Trees provide oxygen and purify the air

Trees consume carbon and produce oxygen.
Trees don’t just enrich the air we breathe They also purify it, they are able to absorb pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, ammonia and sulfur dioxide.

Trees lower the air temperature

Trees block out up to 90% of the sun’s radiation and cooling the ground beneath it, they also use the process called evapotranspiration to block radiation from the sun before it hits the ground.
When the sun’s rays hit a tree’s canopy, they cause water to evaporate from the leaves, creating a cooling effect that can decrease local air temperatures by several degrees.

Trees help prevent flooding

Concidering that trees consume alot of water therefore allowing the ground to absorb more water hence preventing water runoff and flooding and by holding the soil together with their roots, trees can also reduce the risk of erosion and property damage from flash floods.

Trees help sustain wildlife

Trees create habitats for all kinds of wildlife, they dabble up both as a food source and a natural habitat for wildlife.  

Trees are good for our health

Exposure to trees and nature has also been proven to reduce mental fatigue and help in  concentration, Trees makes you feel calmer, happier and more creative and With exposer to certain chemicals released by trees (known as phytoncides), research reveals that everything from reduced blood pressure and anxiety to increased pain threshold, and even an increase of anti-cancer proteins.

Trees improve soil quality

Trees reduce soil erosion, improve fertility and give soil more moisture. Fallen tree leaves also turn into valuable nutrients for tree growth, and support microorganism development.

Tree donation at Eor-ekule Centre 

How to plant a tree

  1. Dig a shallow planting hole 2 or 3 times wider than the root ball of the tree.
  2. Remove containers or cut wire baskets.
  3. Place tree inside the hole at a good height.
  4. Straighten the tree.
  5. Fill the hole up.
  6. Add mulch 3 to 5 inches around the base of the tree.
  7. Start follow-up and Before you start fetilizer applications, make sure trees have had time to become properly established, It’s also important to have the soil evenly moistened but not too wet or too dry.

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